Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hey, go poop somewhere.

What Eric said tonight:

Your penis is right there!

I'm about to complaint right on your face.

I would never make your head into a basketball. Seriously.

I've been a vagina most my life. It's cool, man.

I don't need that nasty butt tranny.

I'm proud of both of you for pooping a lot.

You're a prostitute I get to keep. A furry prostitute.

Eric: I'm a freelancer.
Me: Freelance..?
Eric: Fucker?

What's the...Something of the time? OH, Back to the Future!

Eric, to Francisco: Oh man, this is weird, isn't it?
Me: He's never going to come back here again.
Eric: I can't help it! I live here!

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